A Guide
to Style
style advices
and curiosity
from the world
of ceramic

Ceramics and Project Design. Architecture Competition
" Ceramics and Project Design" – 5th edition – is a competition that awards prizes for the finest architectural projects implemented in Italy and abroad by Italian project designers using Italian-made ceramic tiles. Anyone can easily take part, free of charge.
Ceramica Rondine invites designers who use Italian ceramics to take part. Architects and interior designers can enter projects completed between 2013 and January 2016.
The competition categories are: residential, commercial/hospitality, institutional/urban furnishings.
The use of stoneware products by Ceramica Rondine allows designers and architects to enter the competition, which offers a prize of € 5000 for each category.
Entrants may also receive special mentions and special awards, as well as the opportunity to take part in the "Ceramics of Italy" summer event. To enter, visit laceramicaeilprogetto.it