A Guide
to Style
style advices
and curiosity
from the world
of ceramic

Outside, inside! Outdoor trends for 2016
2016 is the year that brings indoor and outdoor together, with the accent on an eco-friendly, back-to-nature approach and materials such as linen, juta and wood.

Foresta di Gres, ideal for outdoors
This year’s furnishing trends erase the borders between inside and out, with interiors conceived as one with the outdoors, shaping an open dialogue between the two using windows, wall and floor covering and details that bring them together.
A key role is played by seating in natural fibre, in pastel colours, earthy hues and shades of green able to create an overall atmosphere of comfort and relaxation.
The material of choice for these new trends is wood-effect porcelain stoneware, an excellent solution in terms of both design and performance: resistant and able to maintain its beauty unaltered over the years.
This is especially true of Foresta di Gres, a high-tech ceramic project by Casa Rondine that uses ceramics to reproduce the living essence of wood so as to blend seamlessly with the outdoors.
Hard&Soft Series
The Foresta di Gres project offers a rich variety of style options and colours, with something sure to appeal to everyone, slotting seamlessly into the architectural and design context of any setting.
The Hard&Soft series is ideal for verandas, outdoor areas and poolsides.
The very essence of wood seems to spring back to life on this stoneware, as if every single element were sculpted by hand. The grain effects wind their way across the table, perfectly in tune with the natural surroundings they are part of, encompassing the home and the garden, teaming greenery with waterways.

The sizes of Hard&Soft
The series comes in 3 sizes, each with a different surface texture, guaranteed to meet the needs of every customer.
- 15x61 Hard - thickness 10 mm, with surface texture and glaze, ideal for terraces and pavements, as well as public areas where high tread resistance is required for floor coverings, without having to do without the beauty of the wood-effect listel tile.
- 45x90 Hard - thickness 20 mm, also for vehicular areas. Ideal for garden areas, areas in front of the house, public building etc.
- 15x100 Soft - thickness 10 mm, more suitable for residential and light commercial use.